- Vertebral grow likely was bent? 脊椎有可能长弯了么?
- He was bent on making them happy. 他一心想让他们幸福。
- My grandfather was bent with age. 我祖父年老背驼。
- The mast was bent during the storm. 桅杆在风暴中变弯了。
- The docker was bent double beneath his load. 这码头工人背着沉重的东西,腰弯得低低的。
- The iron rod supporting the valances was bent in an arc. 挂窗帘上部短幔的铁棍弯成了个弓形。
- All eyes were bent on the fancy car. 所有的眼神都注视那部新奇的车。
- Make love grow like an evergreen tree. 你的吻,让爱情像常青树一。
- I'll very likely be at home all day. 我可能整天都呆在家里。
- My thoughts were bent on seeing the world. 我一心一意想离家去遨游世界。
- It takes six to seven year to grow like this. 这种盆景比我高很多;据说长成要六七年.
- Her head was bent over her book. 她埋头读书。
- I don't like being a taxi driver. 我不喜欢当出租车司机。
- He was bent on inventing a new machine. 他决心发明一台新机器。
- Teenagers don't like being regimented. 十几岁的青少年不喜欢被严格管教。
- I was bent on going to the theater. 我一心要去剧院
- He will very likely be here again next month. 他下个月很可能再来这里。
- Then every cap was off,and every head was bent. 这时大家都脱下帽子,低下了头。
- I don't like being by myself during a thunder storm. 我不喜欢在下雷雨时独自一个人呆着。
- The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. 灵魂不只在单一路上行走,却也不像芦苇孑然生长。